Why Grinding Your Coffee Beans Correctly Matters? With 787 coffee

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At 787 coffee as caffeinated humans, we understand that making a delicious cup of coffee is an art! Every small detail matters, like the grinding of your coffee beans! But why is that so important? In this 787 coffee blog, we will talk about the importance of grinding your coffee beans properly and give you some caffeinated tips so you have a consistently delicious cup of coffee!


Why Grinding Your Coffee Beans Correctly Matters?

Let's talk about Grinding Sizes!

Coffee has an amazing journey from the farm to your home! Coffee beans are full of flavor and magic. But how can you extract all of its amazing flavors correctly? Grinding correctly! So When you brew coffee, water extracts flavors from the coffee grounds. The grind size determines how quickly the water extracts these flavors. Let’s break down the different grind types and how each feels:

  • Coarse: Chunky and similar to sea salt

  • Medium-Coarse: Slightly smoother but still gritty, like sand

  • Medium: The texture of sand

  • Medium-Fine: Finer than sand but still feels thick

  • Fine: Smooth, like table salt

  • Extra Fine: Almost like sugar

Grind Size For Every Brewing Method

Every brewing method is different, and each one requires a specific grind style so water can travel smoothly through the coffee, allowing you to achieve an amazing flavor balance for each!

  • Coarse Grind: Perfect for French Press and Cold Brew. These methods need longer brewing times, so a coarse grind prevents over-extraction.

    Medium Grind: Perfect for your famous Drip Coffee Makers and Aeropress! It balances extraction and brewing time well.

    Fine Grind: Best for Espresso and Moka Pot. Since the coffee beans are more Fine it gives you a quick extraction under high pressure.

What Happens If You Don't Grind Correctly? 

Coffee is an art that needs special care and love so like we mentioned earlier every small detail can ruin the amazing way your coffee tastes. imagine this, you can have the most special coffee beans with an amazing flavor but you can't taste its full flavor because of how it is grinded! let's put some scenarios of what can happen!

  • Too Coarse: Leads to under-extraction, resulting in a sour or weak taste.

  • Too Fine: Causes over-extraction, making your coffee bitter or harsh.

  • Inconsistent Grind: Results in uneven extraction and imbalanced flavor.


Coffee is amazing and the fun part is experimenting! coffee gives you unlimited ways to brew, roast, and feel every flavor in your mouth so have fun with it, try different grind sizes with your favorite brewing method to find the taste you love. Don't forget that you can also play around with water temperature and brew time to create the perfect cup. Grind is very important and it makes a big difference in the taste of your coffee, but no worries this is why at 787 Coffee we love to educate our caffeinated humans in coffee so they can have a delicious cup of coffee every morning! Grab your grinder, grab your favorite coffee beans, and see what works best for you!

Don't forget that at 787 Coffee we have all the coffee details you need to make the perfect cup of coffee. With our beans and sauces like tres leches, coquito, and horchata sauce! For those days that you can't visit us, you can have us at home with YOU!

Stay happy and caffeinated!

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Stay Caffeinated.


Supremo Coffee Beans - Grown in Puerto Rico
from $36.00

Learn more about the coffee you buy and drink at 787 Coffee

Hacienda Iluminada, home of 787 coffee, is the farm where we grow our coffee beans on the fertile mountains of Maricao, where the climate and soil provide the perfect conditions for coffee plants to thrive. The farm uses a combination of traditional and modern farming techniques to ensure that the coffee cherries are of the highest quality making it specialty coffee.

The flavor of coffee is influenced by the terroir, which refers to the unique combination of climate, soil, and other environmental factors that affect the taste and aroma of the coffee. Each coffee-growing region in the world has its distinct flavor profile, making coffee farming a diverse and exciting field.


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