Brandon Pena Brandon Pena

Why Grinding Your Coffee Beans Correctly Matters? With 787 coffee

At 787 coffee as caffeinated humans, we understand that making a delicious cup of coffee is an art! Every small detail matters, like the grinding of your coffee beans! But why is that so important? In this 787 coffee blog, we will talk about the importance of grinding you coffee beans properly and give you some caffeinated tips so you have a consistently delicious cup of coffee!

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Brandon Pena Brandon Pena

The Perfect Gluten-Free Pastries for Your Coffee at 787 Coffee

Everybody loves a delicious pastry while enjoying their delicious cup of coffee and this is not an exception at 787 Coffee. This is why we have the perfect combinations for every caffeinated human's preferences and needs. We understand that many humans can not eat gluten and drinks with sugar win them, this is why we have the perfect gluten-free pastries made for caffeinated humans allergic to gluten. In this 787 coffee blog, we will talk about amazing gluten pastries and their combinations for those humans looking to indulge in something healthy.

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Brandon Pena Brandon Pena

Fuck Sugar! 787 Coffee's Goal for a Healthier & Fun Life

Sugar is very common, especially in the United States, but not because its common means its good for you, not because you see it everywhere means you should consume it. The thinking that "if it's common, it must be fine" has led many humans not to look at the impacts of our health choices, especially with sugar consumption. For many years, sugar has been a hidden villain in our daily lives, We don't pay attention to it, it might not make any sound but it is present and harmful.

At 787 Coffee, we specialize in making sauces, pastries, and snacks that are low in sugar and healthier for YOU. This doesn't mean we don't want you to consume any sugar, it just means we are doing our best for our human health. On today's 787 Coffee blog, we are going to talk about how sugar is affecting us daily

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