Top 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee.

We are a coffee farm and coffee shop so you know we love coffee, but we did some research and found these are the top 5 health benefits of drinking coffee. Coffee lovers already know that coffee has worthwhile benefits beyond the pleasant aroma and the morning pick-me-up, but coffee habits could actually be impacting our health… for the better!

1. Boosts your mood

There might be a reason why a cup of coffee can turn a morning frown into a smile. There’s growing evidence that coffee boosts dopamine production in the brain. A study by JAMA International Medicine in 2011 found that women who drank four or more cups of coffee every day were 20 percent less likely to suffer from depression.

2. Protects your heart

Two or more cups of coffee each day could protect against heart failure, according to a Harvard study. Researchers found that people who drank four cups of coffee each day had an 11 percent lower risk. Like everything in balance it and hear your body and its needs.

3. Heals damaged cells

Antioxidants help prevent and repair damage to cells and genetic material around your body.  Research has shown that coffee is a significant source of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant, in many people's diets. Polyphenols also help increase your “good” bacteria.  One polyphenol in coffee is called chlorogenic acid. Some studies have linked this antioxidant to metaboilic benefits. They believe that chlorogenic acid might reduce the risk of a range of conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

4. Nutrients 

Coffee contains about a thousand different botanical compounds. Scientists haven’t studied all of them well, but the news so far gets two thumbs up.  Coffee comes from earth, a fruit after all. If it’s good for earth its good for you. Coffee is a source of nutrients, including B vitamins, potassium and riboflavin.  

5. Prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease

Coffee consumption is linked to a decreased risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. For people currently diagnosed with Parkinson's, drinking coffee may help reduce the frequency of tremors.

Based on our findings we recommend enjoying 2-3 cups of single origin coffee. But we also ask that while coffee may be low in calories when enjoyed black, adding cream and sugar can quickly make it less healthy. If you dislike the bitter taste of black coffee, try it with a small amount of low-fat milk or a milk alternative, such as almond or oat milk.

Coffee can be purchased directly from roasters, at specialty shops, or at the grocery store. A variety of factors influence what type of coffee you should select. As coffee lovers and growers we will always recommend for you to buy directly from the grower, that is our business model, from our farm in Puerto Rico to you. Buy shopping local and single origin you get to track the altitude in which your coffee beans were grown at, date of roast as well as freshness and a clean sustainable process that takes care of our earth, farmers, ecosystem and our communities.


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