The Science of Why Coffee & Music Make the Perfect Combination

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If you are a music lover and a coffee addict, the chances are that you already know how great it is to drink coffee while listening to your favorite tunes. But have you ever wondered why this combination is so perfect? Is there any scientific explanation for this? Well, it turns out that coffee and music have a lot in common, and when you mix them, you get a unique experience that can boost your mood, productivity, and creativity. In this 787 Coffee blog post, we will explore the science behind why coffee and music make the perfect combination.

Dopamine and pleasure

The first reason why coffee and music are such a great match is related to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is responsible for producing feelings of pleasure and reward. When you drink coffee, the caffeine stimulates the release of dopamine in your brain, which gives you a sense of well-being and happiness. Similarly, when you listen to music that you enjoy, the brain releases dopamine, which also makes you feel good. When you combine these two activities, you get a powerful rush of pleasure that makes you feel alive, energized, and focused.

Mood regulation

Coffee and music can also regulate your mood in different ways. On the one hand, coffee contains compounds that have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin. On the other hand, music can also affect your mood by activating different brain regions that control emotions, such as the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. When you combine coffee and music, you can enhance these effects and create a more positive and balanced mood that can sustain you throughout the day.

Creativity and productivity

Coffee and music can also boost your creativity and productivity by altering your brain activity and increasing your focus. For example, studies have shown that caffeine can improve cognitive performance and memory, while music can improve attention, memory, and creativity. When you drink coffee and listen to music at the same time, you can synchronize your brainwaves and create a state of flow that can help you generate new ideas, solve problems, and complete tasks more efficiently.

Association and nostalgia

Coffee and music are strongly associated with social contexts, nostalgia, and personal preferences that can add an emotional dimension to the experience. For example, we have caffeinated customers that come to our 787 Coffee shops and when a song starts playing they say that type of music reminds them of good times or happy memories. You may have a favorite album that you always listen to while drinking your morning coffee that gives you a sense of comfort and familiarity. When you combine coffee and music, you can recreate these associations and enhance the emotional impact of both activities.

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The science behind why coffee and music make the perfect combination is based on several factors, including dopamine release, mood regulation, creativity, productivity, and personal associations. Whether you are a coffee lover, a music enthusiast, or both, you can use this knowledge to enhance your daily routine and get more out of your favorite activities. So, next time you drink coffee, put on some music that makes you happy, and enjoy the magic of this perfect combination.

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