Espresso Dosage Mastery at 787 Coffee: The Ideal Shot for a Double Shot of Espresso

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Hello Caffeinated humans! Get ready to talk about the essence of crafting the ideal double shot of espresso. We will be talking about the heartbeat of your espresso, and the dosage! The perfect balance that makes or breaks the magic in your cup.

At 787, our love for single-origin, medium roast means we've found the sweet spot at 17.5 grams for that perfect espresso. But getting there is about much more than just the numbers. It's about understanding the science and art of extraction. On this 787 Coffee Blog, we’ll talk about the ideal shot for a double espresso, so grab your cup of coffee, relax, and get ready to learn with us!


The Ideal Shot for a Double Shot of Espresso

The Science Behind the Perfect Dose

Extraction isn't just a buzzword—it's your route to a flavorful, soul-stirring espresso. Imagine your coffee bean as a treasure chest of acids, fats, sugars, and fibers. The extraction process is like picking the lock, where water is your pick, navigating through the complexities of the bean to bring out those rich, delicious flavors into your cup.

However, the catch is—every bean reacts differently. Factors like roast level, age, grind, and even the water you use, play critical roles. We aim for an extraction sweet spot, where these myriad factors harmoniously blend to create the espresso of your dreams.

Your Toolkit for the Perfect Shot

  • Dose: Think of this as the amount of treasure you want to unlock. Here at 787 Coffee, we abide by the philosophy of keeping the dose constant. Begin with our recommended 17.5 grams for a double shot and adjust slightly as you refine your technique.

  • Grind Size: This might well be the most crucial part of your espresso equation. A finer grind increases the surface area, enhancing water's ability to unlock the flavors. Remember, an even grind leads to an even extraction, the holy grail of espresso making.

  • Pre-infusion: This gentle beginning before the full pressure hits helps your coffee bloom and prepares it for an even extraction. It's like knocking on the door before you enter, ensuring every part of the coffee is ready to reveal its secrets.

  • Basket Depth and Portafilter Size: The vessel matters as much as the brew. Different portafilters may require tweaks in your dose to ensure even extraction across the board.

Practical Tips for Dose Adjustment

  • Start with our golden standard of 17-18 grams and adjust in small increments. Pay attention to how each adjustment affects the taste.

  • Watch the clock; your espresso's brewing time can offer clues about what adjustments are needed.

  • Keep a log of your experiments. Recording your trials and adjustments can quickly turn into your personal espresso roadmap.

  • Lastly, always factor in the unique characteristics of your coffee. The same rules don't apply universally; your technique should evolve with your coffee.

Remember, the path to espresso perfection is paved with patience and practice. Channeling, or water finding the path of least resistance through your coffee puck, is your biggest foe. It's stealthy but leaves a mark on your espresso's flavor.

Channeling checks and adjustments to your dose and grind size are critical. There's a sweet spot where the coffee yields to the water evenly, resulting in a cup that sings with flavor. Finding it requires a bit of experimentation, but when you do, it's nothing short of magical.


Adjusting your espresso dose is more than a step; it's a continual dance with your coffee. The best dose brings out the best in your beans, highlighting their unique characteristics and delivering a cup that delights with every sip.

We encourage you to use this guide as a starting point. Experiment, taste, adjust, and repeat. And, of course, we're always here to help you refine your craft.

Share your thoughts, successes, and discoveries with us. Your espresso adventure is uniquely yours, but at 787 Coffee, we're thrilled to be part of your journey. Here's to the countless cups of perfection in your future!

Stay caffeinated and cool!

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Stay Caffeinated.


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Learn more about the coffee you buy and drink at 787 Coffee

Hacienda Iluminada, home of 787 coffee, is the farm where we grow our coffee beans on the fertile mountains of Maricao, where the climate and soil provide the perfect conditions for coffee plants to thrive. The farm uses a combination of traditional and modern farming techniques to ensure that the coffee cherries are of the highest quality making it specialty coffee.

The flavor of coffee is influenced by the terroir, which refers to the unique combination of climate, soil, and other environmental factors that affect the taste and aroma of the coffee. Each coffee-growing region in the world has its distinct flavor profile, making coffee farming a diverse and exciting field.


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