What is Cold Brew

Everything You Need to Know About Cold Brew

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Do you wake up craving a cup of coffee every morning? Believe it or not, your coffee preference can reveal about your personality. If you prefer a smooth and non-bitter taste, then cold brew is the ultimate option for you. Cold brew coffee is the latest sensation taking the world of coffee by storm. It is different from traditional coffee as it requires a longer steeping time and is only enjoyed cold. In this 787 Coffee blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about cold brew, from the history of cold brew, its benefits, how it's made, and the recommended brewing time. So, get your caffeine fix, and let's dive in!

What is Cold Brew?

Cold brew coffee is made of room temperature water and coarsely ground coffee, brewed for 12-24 hours. The steeping time may vary according to the coffee beans and personal taste preference. Unlike traditional hot coffee, cold brew coffee requires a more extended brewing time to extract the flavors. The result is a bold, smooth, and less acidic coffee flavor, with lower caffeine content.

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What Are the Benefits of Cold Brew?

Cold brew is not just a refreshing change from hot coffee; it also brings many health benefits to the table. Firstly, cold brew coffee is gentler on the stomach than hot coffee, as it has lower acid content. Secondly, cold brew coffee contains antioxidants, which help to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Last but not least, cold brew coffee contains lower caffeine levels; thus, it reduced the chances of caffeine overdose or related symptoms.

What Is the Recommended Ratio and Brewing Time for Cold Brew?

As a general rule of thumb, the ratio used is one part coffee to five parts water. However, this can vary depending on how strong or weak you like your coffee. In terms of brewing time, the longer the coffee is steeped, the stronger the flavor. Therefore, if you like your coffee to pack a punch, you can steep the coffee for up to 24 hours. If you prefer a milder taste, 12-14 hours should be sufficient.

How to make a Cold Brew at home?

Brewing cold coffee at home is relatively straightforward.

Combine the ground coffee and water in a large pitcher or glass jar.

  1. Stir gently to ensure all the coffee is wet.

  2. Cover and let sit at room temperature for at least 12 hours, or up to 24 hours for a stronger brew.

  3. After the coffee has steeped, line a strainer with cheesecloth or a coffee filter and place it over a second pitcher or glass jar.

  4. Slowly pour the coffee through the strainer, allowing it to filter out any grounds.

  5. Once all the coffee has been strained, you can serve it over ice.

  6. If desired, add milk or sweetener to taste.

  7. Store the leftover cold brew in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Enjoy your homemade cold brew, which is less acidic and smoother than traditional iced coffee! You can experiment with different coffee beans, origins, roast profiles and water ratios until you find the perfect brew that suits your taste.

Variations of Cold Brew

Cold brew is a versatile and customizable coffee beverage that lends itself well to numerous variations and flavor combinations. Here are some variations of cold brew that you can try at home:

Rum Infused Cold Brew - This variation is our TOP SELLER! Rum Infused Coffee Beans can be purchased online or in any of our 787 Coffee shops, we recommend you use the same recipe we gave you here, but steep for 24 hours, for stronger coffee notes; cinnamon, rum, dark chocolate and perfectly roasted coffee.

Whiskey Infused Cold Brew - This variation of cold brew is so elegant and classy, perfect balance of smoked and barrel wood. Our whiskey infused coffee beans sell out soon, but they can be found in store or online - Rum Infused Coffee Beans from 787 Coffee

Mint Cold Brew: Add a fresh sprig of mint or a splash of mint syrup to your cold brew and let it infuse your coffee for 4-6 hours for a refreshing twist.

History of the Cold Brew

The history of cold brew dates back to the 17th century in Japan. During the summer, Kyoto households created an innovative way of brewing coffee by using cold water and letting it steep overnight. The resulting coffee was refreshing and gentle, perfect for summertime. The method became popular abroad through Dutch traders, and coffeehouses began to sell cold coffee in New Orleans during the 19th century.

In the early 20th century, the popularity of cold brew spread to other parts of the world, including Europe and the United States. However, it was not until the 1960s that the drink gained popularity in America, where it was primarily served as a specialty drink in upscale coffee shops.

Today, cold brew coffee has become a mainstay in many coffee shops and cafes around the world, and it is often touted for its smooth, less acidic flavor and higher caffeine content. The brewing method has also developed over the years, with new innovations such as the Toddy Cold Brew System and new flavor combinations emerging, making cold brew an exciting and expanding part of the coffee world. At 787 Coffee we love making cold brew.

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Cold brew coffee is more than just a trendy refreshment; it is a delicious and healthy caffeinated drink. By switching to cold brew coffee, you can enjoy the rich, bold, and smooth coffee taste you crave without the harsh acidity. Furthermore, it brings many health and wellness benefits, making it an excellent alternative to hot coffee. So, grab your favorite 787 coffee beans, a jar, and give cold brew a try; you might just fall in love with it!


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