How to elevate YOUR moka pot coffee game to a perfect brew.

Moka pots are a traditional brewing method that can produce a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. Also known as a stovetop espresso maker, the moka pot is a simple and affordable option for coffee lovers who want to enjoy their favorite drink without leaving the comfort of their home.

How to elevate YOUR moka pot coffee game to a perfect brew.

In this 787 Coffee blog, we will explore some tips and techniques to elevate your moka pot coffee game and achieve the perfect brew every time. From selecting the right grind to mastering the dosing and brewing process, let's dive in.

Choose the right beans:

The first step in making great moka pot coffee is to choose the right beans. Ideally, you want to choose high-quality, single origin coffee beans that have been roasted for espresso (medium to dark roast). Look for beans that have a rich, bold flavor profile to give your coffee that classic espresso taste. For best results, grind the beans fresh for each brew using a burr grinder. We obviously recommend 787 Coffee because it is the freshest coffee as it comes directly from our coffee farm, no distributors, roasters or importing of coffee beans, all directly from our coffee farm in Maricao, Puerto Rico.

Grind it right:

The grind size is crucial when it comes to moka pot coffee. The ideal grind for moka pot coffee should be slightly coarser than espresso, but finer than drip coffee. You want to achieve a grind that is uniform and consistent to ensure even extraction. Experiment to find the right grind for your taste preferences, and go for a burr grinder if you don't already have one.

Get the dosing right:

Dosing is the amount of coffee you use in your moka pot. This can be tricky, as too little coffee will result in weak and watery brew, while too much coffee can lead to a bitter taste. As a general rule of thumb, use around 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of coffee per 2 ounces of water. Remember to level off the coffee and tamp it down slightly to ensure an even bed.

Perfect your brewing technique:

Brewing with the moka pot is pretty straightforward, but there are some tips and tricks to maximize the flavor potential. Begin by filling the bottom chamber of the pot with fresh, cold water up to the safety valve. Then, add the coffee basket and fill it with the desired amount of coffee.

Next, screw on the top part of the pot tightly and place it on a stove burner on medium heat. As the water heats up, steam will push through the coffee and up into the top chamber. Once the brewing is complete, remove the pot from the heat and transfer the coffee into your favorite mug.

Practice makes perfect:

The more you use your moka pot, the better you will become at achieving that perfect brew. Consistency is essential, so try to follow the same process for each brew. Make small tweaks as necessary to achieve your desired taste. The perfect cup of coffee is the one YOU like.

Making great moka pot coffee is a matter of selecting the right beans, grinding them correctly, dosing accurately, brewing with care, and practicing regularly. Follow these tips, experiment to find what works for you, and enjoy your delicious cup of coffee from stovetop to tabletop. Happy brewing and stay caffeinated.

787 Coffee is a from farm to cup coffee company, we currently have 1 coffee farm in Maricao, Puerto Rico, we have 25 coffee shops between New York, Puerto Rico and New Jersey, we are expanding rapidly and very soon we will be opening a coffee shop in El Paso, Texas. - 04/08/23


How to Store Coffee Beans For Maximum Freshness | 787 Coffee


How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home