Brandon Pena Brandon Pena

The Perfect Gluten-Free Pastries for Your Coffee at 787 Coffee

Everybody loves a delicious pastry while enjoying their delicious cup of coffee and this is not an exception at 787 Coffee. This is why we have the perfect combinations for every caffeinated human's preferences and needs. We understand that many humans can not eat gluten and drinks with sugar win them, this is why we have the perfect gluten-free pastries made for caffeinated humans allergic to gluten. In this 787 coffee blog, we will talk about amazing gluten pastries and their combinations for those humans looking to indulge in something healthy.

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Brandon Pena Brandon Pena

The Perfect Coffee Pairings: 787 Coffee Homemade Pastries

What would life be without the perfect pairings? Imagine peanut butter without jelly, eggs without bacon, or cookies without milk, life would be boring. It's the same way with 787 Coffee. What would our coffee be without its amazing pairings? Our coffee pairs perfectly with our freshly homemade pastries and snacks. During this 787 coffee blog, we’ll talk about our amazing home pastries and snacks you can indulge. 

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