From Ancient Lands to YOUR Cup: The Caffeinated Journey of Coffee! 

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We drink coffee every day, it become part of our daily routine. But Have you ever stopped and thought how interesting coffee can be? Coffee is a very interesting topic and full of history. Have you ever wondered where coffee comes from, who found it first, or what country discovered coffee first? We might not think about it often but its definitely something interesting to talk about. In this 787 coffee blog we wilk talk about the amazing story of coffee and how it has become part of our lives. 


The Caffeinated Journey of Coffee

The Caffeinated Journey!

Let's begin with the amazing place where coffee was first discovered! Coffee was first discovered in Yemen mountains by the Sufi monks in 1450. After the amazing discovery of the red coffee cherries the Sufi monks started brewing coffee just like we do today. Soon the love for coffee grew and they started the coffee plantation! They would transport the coffee in the mountains of Yemen by camel and started transporting it to  Al Mokha, which later became famous for shipping tons of coffee beans.

After this amazing transportation coffee became super popular! By the 17th century, humans all over Europe started sharing coffee and soon many different coffee shops were opened, they were known as  'penny universities,' because many famous artists would go and share knowledge, art, and amazing ideas! Remember, coffee boosts creativity and coffee shops can boost our productivity, it was the perfect combination for those looking for a place to get inspired!

What is Coffee Today?

Coffee today has gained the love of all caffeinated humans and it's still used to boost our energy and creativity! In New York, coffeehouse culture still remains, where creative humans come for a cup of coffee, boost productivity and have study sessions! Coffee changes with time but its real essence remains, it’s what connects humans, and it’s the perfect excuse to share knowledge with you classmates or colleagues or just to have a nice conversation! 

At 787 Coffee we are dedicated to making every cup of coffee with care to keep you caffeinated and keep failing not only your morning but your dreams, so you can continue making shit happen! 

Puerto Rico has an amazing story of coffee and we are proud to be not only a coffee shop with a coffee farm,  but to continue to cherish the history and experience of Yemen and apply sustainability to our coffee farm, Hacienda Iluminada, home of 787 coffee.


Now you know more about coffee and its amazing story! Isn’t it amazing how humans have loved coffee since the 17th century? Coffee is a drink full of stories, innovation, and connection, that keeps changing with time. From the amazing of Yemen, to coffeeshops all over the world, unite humans and share amazing stories!

Best Coffee farm in Maricao, Puerto Rico

Best Coffee shops in New York.

Best Coffee shops in El Paso, Texas

Best Coffee shops in Puerto Rico.

Stay Caffeinated.


Supremo Coffee Beans - Grown in Puerto Rico
from $36.00

Learn more about the coffee you buy and drink at 787 Coffee

Hacienda Iluminada, home of 787 coffee, is the farm where we grow our coffee beans on the fertile mountains of Maricao, where the climate and soil provide the perfect conditions for coffee plants to thrive. The farm uses a combination of traditional and modern farming techniques to ensure that the coffee cherries are of the highest quality making it specialty coffee.

The flavor of coffee is influenced by the terroir, which refers to the unique combination of climate, soil, and other environmental factors that affect the taste and aroma of the coffee. Each coffee-growing region in the world has its distinct flavor profile, making coffee farming a diverse and exciting field.


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