8 Ways to Use Coffee besides Drinking it.

Coffee has so many uses and millions of people prefer coffee to any other drink. There are so many options to choose from - espresso, cappuccino, latte, horchata latte, coquito latte, dulce de leche latte, hot, iced... But what's even more impressive is how many uses this popular beverage has besides drinking. And some of them have nothing to do with cooking. I made up a list of 8 ways to use coffee besides drinking it

 1. Coffee Soap. 

Great scrubbing effect and smell!

2. Coffee Pudding. 

Unique texture, color and, again, THE SMELL!

3. Nasal Palette Resetter.

Feeling overwhelmed or numbed by smells? A quick inhale of a coffee-bean jar would solve that. 

4. Dyer.

You can die your clothing using brewed coffee! Especially useful if you already have coffee stains.

5. Natural Ant-Repellent. 

Surprisingly, ants don’t get along with coffee grinds! Use them to keep ants away.

6. Coffee-Slime.

Its 2023, slimes are not only for kids!

7. Plant Fertilizer. 

One of the best and most natural fertilizers ever!

Don’t forget — its coffee! Creativity is you best friend when thinking of finding ways to utilize it.

-Karina Taranovska


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